Spring Cleaning for the Body & Brain

It has been a long winter…

And the fact that many of us have been “isolated” from our regular routines due to Covid and related issues, SPRING, SEEMS LONG OVERDUE!

Hopefully, you have plans to “get out of the house”, “spend time enjoying the company of friends and family” and even “create a healthier, happier, more engaged you”

FOR SOME HOWEVER, the isolation was/is not an unfamiliar experience – I’m speaking to those who are socially, emotionally, mentally and/or physically challenged by some chronic condition that interferes with the quality of life you’ve been living. THE GREAT NEWS IS – IT IS SPRING & TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS! Schedule a discovery call with me to learn how I can help you, help you – learn to live a full enriched life again, in spite of chronic dis ease.

DISCOVERY CALL meeting is a scheduled time to learn how I can help you, help you! I am a certified hypnotist, NLP practitioner, and cannabis consultant. I am available and offer Clinical hypnotherapy, general consultations, and speaking engagements. If you have been struggling with chronic illness, or dis ease, or you’ve simply been having trouble getting out of your own way – whatever it is, if its holding the quality of your life and your happiness hostage – I CAN HELP YOU – HELP YOU!

I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FASCINATED with the body’s incredible ability to heal and repair itself. When you skin your knee, or elbow for example, you get to witness the body’s healing process first hand: the blood clots and forms a scab, then blood vessels bring oxygen for healing, and finally the formation of new skin. NOW, of course, I have simplified the entire procedure – but if you allow yourself to consider for a moment the amount of “activity” or functional processes your brain and body are performing at any given moment while you are alive – you may find yourself feeling as awed as I was, or hear yourself saying “WOW” – right?

It’s a well-known fact that our body possesses the ability to heal – some of our cells are specifically designed to fight infections and to speed up the healing process. What regulates these cells is our subconscious: our healing is thought to be automatic, that we can’t influence it. EXCEPT, we can! Our subconscious can be programmed to be more focused on healing and boosting our immune system and to pay attention to it much more than it now does. We simply TRAIN the BRAIN for optimal GAIN! You know that some people naturally heal faster than others – it’s precisely because their subconscious is set to work a bit differently.

Hypnosis treatments that incorporate NLP techniques are an effective way of communicating with your subconscious and training it to focus more of its efforts on the natural healing process of your body. In a relaxed state of mind you will receive suggestions designed to change the patterns in your subconscious that will orient it towards effectively managing these processes. It will still be an automated process – your subconscious will only receive the direction in which it needs to improve, and it will take care of the rest.

Your body, mind, and emotions are part of one integrated system, and when you influence one aspect, you affect all of it. Whatever point you begin from —whether it’s your body, your thoughts, or your emotions—you can change the totality of your system, and your body’s ability to physically and emotionally self heal.

Changing our actions, thoughts and feelings; generating happiness in ourselves; and making our lives more positive are not mysterious talents. They are learned skills that I CAN HELP YOU WITH. Once you realize that you can change your health, and there is something you can do about it. Taking the time to pay attention to your health makes you become an active force in designing it.


For weekly tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you, help you take control of your future today!

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